Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

I've got to be honest: 2012 wasn't exactly the best year of my life.

This year, though, is going to be awesome. I can feel it.

There were some things I couldn't control, tragedies that I will always remember and continue to break my heart, although a little bit less every day.

My brother was in a horrific accident involving him somehow getting shot in the head and surviving like a champion. Emergency brain surgery and a couple of titanium plates later, and he is strong enough to kayack and registered for classes in the fall. Seeing the scar that grazes his temple makes me want to cry every time he turns his head.

As for me, well, I'm in the same place I've been in for two years.

My whole life, I've been focused on the future. When I was a kid I couldn't wait to be a teenager. In high school, all I wanted was to get into college. In college I couldn't wait for my first real job.

It seems like now, everything has ground to a halt. I've been working the same job for almost three years, and it has nothing to do with my education. It doesn't challenge me (well, except when I have to keep my temper around particularily rude or aggressive customers).

I want to find something to look forwards to again. This sounds like a downer, but I swear its not! I'm excited to challenge myself this year.

I'd like a better job, to write more, and to do more yoga.

Those are my New Year's resolutions. What are yours?